Find a babysitter for your kids during the holidays so you can shop, attend parties and wrap presents! Book a Sitter Book a Sitter Educational gamesFun outdoor activitiesLast minute babysitter serviceDrawing, coloring, and paintingOnline booking Our Classes Our Teachers Έυτυχία Παπαδημητρίου Νηπιαγωγός more info Λαμπρινή Βασιλάκη Διευθύντρια more info Δέσποινα Νικολαϊδη ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΟΣ more info We will take care of your kidsWe specialize in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children. Be sure your kids are safe with our great team of hard-working professionals. Our Services Sign up for FREE!Stay tuned to the most interesting news about our company & products! I've read and accept the Privacy Policy.Leave this field empty if you're human: